My Areas of Expertise

In addition to being a certified ADHD coach, I was a certified life coach for many years and I retain those skills. I think the clients who get the most out of coaching with me are those who don’t think of me only as an ADHD management tool. Of course our ADHD touches every aspect of our lives anyway. As a result of my experience and because our ADHD touches every aspect of our lives, I am willing and able to support clients in any and all of the following areas.

  • Overall ADHD & Life Management
    • Personal and Professional Efficiency
    • Self-Care
    • Behavioral Change
    • Work/Life Balance
    • Lowering Stress and Anxiety
    • Building Self-Confidence Through Experiencing Real Success
    • Understanding the Ways That ADHD Effects Girls and Women Differently
  • ADHD & Executive Functioning
    • Time Management
    • Task Management
    • Organizing Your Physical Space
    • Organizing Your Life
    • Being On Time
    • Scheduling
    • Developing Routines and Habits
  • ADHD-specific Road Blocks
    • Mail, Paperwork, and Bill Paying
    • Laundry
    • Meal Planning, Food Prep, Cooking, and Shopping
    • Email and Digital Organization
  • ADHD and Your Partner
    • Helping your non-ADHD partner understand your brain and your behavior
    • Helping you change your behavior to be a better teammate to your non-ADHD partner
    • Working with two ADHD partners to understand how each other’s ADHD might be different
    • Working with an ADHD household to create house-wide systems and structures
  • ADHD and Medication Management. (I am not a doctor, but I make it my business to be highly educated in regards to ADHD medication and I am of great assistance in the following areas to many of my clients.)
    • Understanding what the medication options are and how they may work
    • Helping clients process how well their medication is working and what feedback they should be giving to their doctor
    • Helping tease out symptoms of ADHD vs. Depression vs. Anxiety that their doctor might not see in a 15 minute medication management visit
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