Matt Reid

Matt Reid

Accomodations No. 3: Preferential seating

Preferential seating is often offered, but in  very specific sense. Usually it meas front row center. This is great in some respects, but other options are better for other types of kids. For example, those of us who benefit from…

Accomodations No. 1: Competency based grading

After my epic, cathartic, and very personal post from last week, I’m going to do a few weeks of quick tips around the holidays. I’ll start with a few on standard and not so standard accommodations for students with ADHD. The…

Protecting our most vulnerable

This is a pretty personal thought… not that my blog is usually clinical and objective… I mentioned a few posts ago that my 4 1/2 year-old was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and started medication. I’m sure someday she’ll be mortified…

More schedules!

If you are among the small cadre of people who read my blog regularly, you may be sick of my schedules… or maybe not. But I try to post one every few months so that everyone has something to refer…

Happier Parenting? But my kids have issues!

I was going to write about something else today but while going through my mail I finally read an article my dad sent me from the Boston Globe magazine from August 12th. (That about puts into perspective how busy I am.)…

ADHD. Blessing or Curse?

I feel that I have to preface this by saying that I have not read much of Dr. Ned Hallowell’s stuff. But I do have experience with many people who have had negative experiences with his Hallowell Center in Sudbury, MA.…

Never too early to think about a career.

I grew up in Newton. One of the best school systems in the state. I got a tremendous, well rounded liberal arts education in high school. As I look back, one of the few failings of the Newton School System…

Vote No on MA question no. 1

So, you are wondering why I’m writing a blog post about a ballot question. Fair enough. Here’s why: As an advocate for mental health care and affordable healthcare and medication, this ballot question is extreme important. I would ask that…