Matt Reid

Matt Reid

Workout tips #1

Now that I’ve spent the summer talking about food prep and kitchen organization, I think it might be a nice change to talk about workout strategies. I’ll start with the overview and then do smaller posts on each aspect of…

Planning a big project

Planning a big project is always a challenge, especially for those of us with executive function issues. Most ADHDers are so “planning averse” that they just dive right in. Occasionally this works, but most of the time it results in…

Neuropsychological Evaluations

I recently received an email from a parent about getting a neuropsych. for her daughter. I thought it was important enough to post as a blog entry, not just respond to her directly. So here’s my 2 cents… A comprehensive…

Quick Calendar Keeping Trick

Just a quick note this week.  I’ve had many clients recently have scheduling SNAFU’s because they put an event on their digital calendar (on their phone) but accidentally put it on the wrong week. The advantages to keeping your calendar…

Mise en Place – (Food Prep #4)

My career as a professional chef and my education at the Culinary Institute of America was crucial to my achieving the level of organization that I have now. In fact there is a single phrase that encompases the all facets…

Food Prep #3 – Brussel Sprouts

First of all, let’s talk about how awesome Brussel Sprouts are… Very awesome! They are one of the things that I never liked but forced myself to keep trying when I was a chef. And, it really didn’t take too…

Six Pane Window Picture Frame

Quick break from the kitchen storage and food prep series to talk about something that happened, or should I say finished happening today. I don’t bring this up to toot my own horn, but rather to celebrate a personal success…

Food Prep #1 – Prepping Ahead

I’m a busy guy. I own my own business. My wife works full time, often on nights and weekends too. I have a relatively high maintenance 8 year old and a maniac of a three year old. I own a…

Kitchen Organization #5: Misc. Vertical Space

I would also suggest thinking outside the box in terms of how to use your vertical space. I’ve used the ‘item’ in the first picture for years. It holds things that I use semi-regularly like spice blends, black pepper, and…