Matt Reid

Matt Reid

Accommodation letter – private school

On the occasions that I am asked to write accommodation letters for student clients I like to post them (with identifying information removed, of course) so that other parents can see examples of what to ask for and how to…

Internet resources

Finding answers on the internet is super easy… …finding accurate answers about ADHD on the internet is not so easy. when I’m looking for specific information online I know enough to sort through the garbage and find the answers I’m…

A Rich and Well-Rounded LIfe

(Always Grinding? Post continued…) I have always talked about the importance of not just working. Even if you really, really enjoy your work, it’s not healthy to hyper-focus on just one aspect of your life. That was another reason that…

Always “Grinding?”

So, I’ve obviously taken much of the summer off from posting. But, I’m hoping to post on a more regular schedule this fall, perhaps once a week… We’ll see. To get back into the swing of things I’d like to…

Barriers to care

I have a client who has been struggling for some time, not just with ADHD but with pretty severe depression and anxiety. Despite being in a difficult place, he was fighting to get better. He had sought out a large local medical group. (I won’t…

It take a village. Do we have one?

Great article a client forwarded to me.  I disagree slightly that this is a burden born solely by the women of your society. I feel much of it acutely myself. But the premise and the observations about our society are…

Ride the Tiger & Pi

Recently saw an amazing documentary on bipolar disorder on PBS. I won’t go into to much detail, as I think everyone who has any diagnosis or takes any meds should watch it. But it did give me a new…

Supplements and Medication

I’m continually amazed at how many people fight the idea of medication so heartily. I’m also amazed at how many of these same folks will think nothing of spending a fortune on supplements, self medicate with copious amounts of caffeine, alcohol, or weed. …