Matt Reid

Matt Reid

Last weeks of school feeling

So, the last few years I’ve worked like a madman to build my business particularly over the school year. And, about this time of year the last three or so years I have hit a wall. The first year I…

$5.61 to save my sanity

I won’t go into the thing that happened today that shook me a bit. But I was left a bit off kilter in the middle of my day. I knew that I wasn’t going to get anything done if I…

A pile is not a system!

I was Skyping with a client today and something came out of my mouth that I’ve never said before that stopped us both mid conversation. “A pile is not a system.” I think I’m going to trade mark that. It…

Making a 12 year old girl cry

I had a good day on today. One meeting 8 client hours, a quick break for a workout. A long day, but a good day. My last client that day is my youngest current client by a few years. She…

Deep thoughts by Matt Reid

… at least I hope they’re deep… I’ve been feeling more philosophical lately. Which I think is a good thing. My tendency is to try to manage life by nailing everything down tight. And, that works to an extent. I’ve…

How to Handle Follow Ups

So… you have a meeting with Dave. It goes well. Dave is interested in doing business with you, but he has to check with his bosses. What do you do? (This is a two part question, really. How do you…

Simple solutions

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. And, when I say “sometimes” I mean pretty much all the time. I’ve had a few clients lately have “issues” with taking their meds, either remembering to take them or remembering IF they…

Thirty-Wonderful flavors of ADHD

Sometimes it is difficult to identify ADHD even for people who have it or have some experience with it because it doesn’t always look the same and act the same. It has been my experience that on any give subject related to ADHD…

Fortunate One

I got the top fortune the month I started my own business as a professional organizer. It has been tacked to my bulletin board ever since.  I got the second one about a month ago, just as my business reached…