Matt Reid

Matt Reid

Letting go is freedom… for now at least

Hey everyone. It has been almost two months since I posted last. I believe one of my last posts was about being in “survive” mode as opposed to “thrive” mode. I’ve definitely been surviving. The past few months at home…

How to work from home, pt. 1

I’m going to post some quick tips about working from home. I’ve been working from home for almost a decade. It was certainly a challenge at first, but I feel like I’ve been pretty good at it for the last…

Surviving at home, pt. II

Hey y’all. I’m a bit late for my Friday post. (Though I’m going to cheat and post date this.) Actually, going forward, I think I”m going to shoot for posting more often but with considered brevity.   So, I’m not a…

Surviving at home with the kids

Well, the world has changed quite a bit since I wrote a blog post about 10 days ago. Thankfully, my family and my friends are all well. I have three freezers and am a classically trained chef… so we aren’t…

Lasting relationships

I was talking with a client today about relationships And I articulated something that I don’t think I’ve said in such a clear and concise way. So I wanted to pass it along.   It is my opinion that much of the…

New resource for parents of ADHD kids

I saw my ADHD Dr. on Wednesday and he told me about this new texting program that he developed with MGH to help parents manage their kids’ ADHD. Anyone can use it. The first month is free. And, it may…

I’ve only been inside myself.

When dealing with brain chemistry issues it can be really difficult to know that what we are experiencing isn’t “normal.” After all, we don’t have anything to compare to how we feel. ADHD is particularly hard to identify because it doesn’t…