Matt Reid

Matt Reid

What should I tell my boss?

The topic of what to tell one’s boss about one’s ADHD, if anything at all has come up for me a few times recently. Here’s my two cents. I think it is important to keep colleagues and superiors in the…

Do your own thing!

My wife is a total rule follower. She is very uncomfortable “coloring outside the lines.” I firmly believe that the rules are, at best, suggestions. I have always felt like a square peg in round hole. Or more accurately, a…

Snooze your pill alarm

Quick tip today: I know that I’ve written about using alarms to remember to take pills. The follow up to that is to use the snooze button. Set up an alarm that you can set to go off every day…

Detailed work out logging?

So, I’ve always seen folks at the gym with their notebooks and pens taking what look like painstakingly detailed notes about their reps and the weight, and God knows what else. I had an complimentary intro session with a trainer…

Keeping your child’s weight up on stumlants

One of the major side effects of stimulant therapy is loss of appetite. As an almost 40-year-old, I wish my meds still took away my appetite the way they did when I was a kid. No such luck. But now…

Non-ADHD life hack… or is it?

This has no bearing on ADHD but… I finally figured out a solution to a problem that has annoyed me for years and I feel the need to share. Whenever I take my propane tank to exchange at Curry Hardware…

Sticking with it!

So, I’ve always wanted to play an instrument. I tried the guitar around culinary school and the beginning of my career as a chef. It wasn’t the right time for me and it wasn’t the right instrument. But that was…

Throwing out my sausage…

When I’m organizing with folks there is often a lot of anxiety about getting rid of stuff that the client is somehow invested in, whether it’s monetarily, emotionally, in terms of time, etc. I get that. It’s harder to let…

What two Docs say about meds

Reasonably good article in my in box this morning from ADDitude. Most of which I’ve covered in previous posts. But, if you wanted to hear it from a doctor, here’s the link and some important take aways (if you don’t…