Matt Reid

Matt Reid

Free ADHD Educational Series

First one is tonight! Sorry for the late notice. Dr. McDonnell is one of my most referred to. She’s great. Here’s a link to the flyer:

Medication Journal

I am loathe to give my clients homework. I generally feel that working on the things we are talking about is enough. However, one of the few things I often suggest to my clients is to keep a medication journal.…

Workout Tip #8: Keep a visual record

I find that it can be very hard for us to build momentum with things that are new. Working out is no exception. Actually, it may be one of the hardest areas in which to build a routine if it…

Because I’m shameless…

Because I’m a little bit vain and really proud of myself I’ll post what my workout calendar would look like so far this month if I still did it on a paper calendar. As a side note, I’m currently battling…

The PLANNING is the hardest part!

One might think that as an ADHDer I would agree with Tom Petty that “Waiting is the hardest part.” I certainly won’t make the argument that waiting is easy. It is probably in the top five hardest parts. But I…

How I got my first tattoo at 38

I was and am a punk rock kid at heart. Well, really a 3rd Wave Ska-Punk kid. (But that’s probably a bit esoteric for most folks.) I am also a bundle contradictions. More about that in another post tentatively titled…

Workout Tip #7: Use the weekends!

If you’re going to take my advice and not skip two days in a row. That means working out on weekends. But, beyond the idea that you’ll need to workout on the weekend once. You should workout on weekends. Why?…