Matt Reid

Matt Reid

Thanksgiving Dinner… with a plan

So, I used to be a professional chef. My degree is in culinary. I have been cooking for nearly 20 years. But I still have to use external structures to keep myself on track. As you can see from the…

Quick ADHD wisdom

ADHD INERTIA 1 a :  a property of ADHD people by which they remain (indefinitely) at rest or in (constant) motion (rarely) in the same straight line unless acted upon by some external force b :  An ADHDer in motion tends to say…

Pills to go

I have had a pill fob on my key chain for 20+ years. I recommend it highly. It’s “key” to have pills with you on the go incase plans change, forgetfulness happens, etc. I recommend this one from the Herrington…

Hierarchy of Suck

This is the term I use to explain how we priorities what we decide to do when we are not managing our attention particularly well. We will pick activities to avoid other activities, even if the first one is something that we…

Letting some stuff go

Life is the ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure book. (Remember those?!) We are always making decisions about what path to follow. Sometimes letting go of the path we are on is the right decision. Personally, I have quitting and giving…

Re-examining stystems

No system is fool proof, lasts forever, or is devoid of the need for maintenance. I’m sure I’ve referenced my favorite Thomas Jefferson quote on the blog before, “No one axiom can be deemed wise and expedient for all times…

The End Result vs. The Process

It has been my experience that as ADHDers we can see the potential in so many situation and in so many items. We don’t see a toilet paper roll. We see an art project. This is at once one of…

2 upcoming events from Joe Moldover

I recently received this email from a colleague, Joe Moldover. Joe is a great resource. If either of these topics piques your interest, I would consider attending. First, on Wednesday October 7 from 7:15 to 8:45 I will  be speaking…