Matt Reid

Matt Reid

Don’t let your list get you down

As I am finishing up one of my most productive days in a while, it occurred to me that I’m probably going to end up with only slightly fewer things on my List Of Things To Do than when I started the day.…

Interesting Medication Tidbit

I came across a very interesting tidbit at my monthly CHADD meeting early in June. One of the parents had noticed over the months that her 9-year-old son was seemingly under-medicated. Her suspicion was that the change had happened when he…

Fighting “overwhelm”

When we get overwhelmed our functioning becomes radically diminished. I would imagine that is the same for most people. Maybe it is just that as ADHD’rs we are more prone to overwhelm? When I was going through coaching school I…

The Sweet Spot

I think that it’s important to know that as ADHD’rs we need to live in what I call the “Sweet Spot” between being understimulated and overwhelmed. If we are bored or understimulated our brain doesn’t produce the dopamine necessary to…

What to tell your kids about testing?

I had a question from a client today. She wanted to know what to tell her nine year old daughter about why she was going to neuropsych testing. My response was atypically brief, so I thought I would just post…

Daily schedule

I talk a lot about not doing a daily list. But a daily schedule is a great tool. I’ll post again soon with more detail on the difference between the two and the rationale. For now, here’s a list I…