Matt Reid

Matt Reid

Food shopping, cooking, prep & my fridge!

So… I’ve noticed that many people with organizational issues (with or without ADHD) struggle with the daily or weekly grind of buying the right food, planning meals, and executing them.  I have a bunch of strategies around this topic and…

“Treating” your child’s ADHD with caffeine?

Last weeks Special Ed Post included a link (click here) to the stupidest story I have ever seen.  Apparently it takes local TV news from Jacksonville to top the ignorance of The New York Times editorial page.  And that’s saying something.  I…

This is why I coach

If you’ve followed my blog, I’m pretty sure I’ve posted about how disenchanted I am with the ICF (International Coach Federation) and the accreditation process. In short, it is archaic, nonsensical, exclusionary, narrow minded, insulting, borderline extortionist, counterproductive, and inching…


To switch gears and address weed specifically, I’ve had many clients who use it as a crutch for insomnia, anxiety, and appetite (while on meds.) Here’s the problem: It is an inefficient and potentially harmful bandaid for those issues, and…

Drinking in my 30’s

I didn’t drink at all until I was about 20. I managed to get through 3 semesters at UMass Amherst having a total of about 4 drinks. I knew I had addiction in the family. Plus, I take an amount…

Winter Doldrums

I have a new theory… I would love it if the earth’s orbit was faster. It would be awesome to have two months of snow and then spring. It would also be great to have only two months of summer.…