Matt Reid

Matt Reid

Accommodations – extended time on assigments

It is a pretty standard accomodation to allow students with learning, processing, and attention issues extended time on tests and quizzes. But many school systems fight the idea of giving extended time for homework assignments. This has always driven my…

Natural Healthy Concepts

It’s been a busy week and I’ve written some epic posts lately. So just a quick tip for this week. I’m not a big supplement guy. The vast majority of supplements just haven’t been proven to be effective. I would…

Meditation & The To Do List

  There is one important thing about meditation for us ADHDers that I didn’t mention in the last post because I thought it might deserve its own post. I’m not sure how much I’ll need to write on it. But…


Mindfulness. Being mindful. Being present. Living in the moment. Slowing down. Slowing the ADHD mind. Slowing the ADHD body. Meditation? Breathing? Focus? Stillness? How? How long? Is it even possible? What if I fail? There are many reasons that I…

Decision Making & ADHD

Decision making is not an executive function. Difficulty with decision making is not a symptom of ADHD. So why do so many ADHDers have difficulty making decisions? I think there are a few reasons. But the primary reason is that…

Managing Depression on a Daily Basis

So, not strictly an #ADHD topic today. But #Depression is pretty ADHD adjacent. Some studies have shown that up to 65% of ADHDers have some form of comorbid depression and/or anxiety. I certainly do. And, if you’ve been reading me…

Smartwatch as ADHD helper?

I will be the first to admit that I have poo-pooed the smart watch since day one. My general feeling is that they are so much unnecessary digital flotsam to distract ourselves from reality. But…   I have a relatively…

ADHD & Girls and Women

Now that I’ve hipped you to the ADDitude podcast feed, if you are a girl or a woman with ADHD you need to check out #337. Everyone knows that I like generate my own content on this blog. But sometimes…