Matt Reid

Matt Reid

Podcasts so much better than webcasts

I’ve always listened to the ADDitude webinars as webinars. I never listen live. They are a great resource. About one in ten is worth it for me. Which is saying something, with how much I already know about ADHD. I…


Identity is an interesting thing. It is so important to who we are and how perceive ourselves and the world. Yet, it is not always rooted in fact or in the present. I can speak from personal experience when I say how difficult…

What about the Dads?

So, about a month ago there was an article in ADDitude the title of which was “Will I Ever Be a ‘Good Enough’ Mother?” When I saw that I knew I was going to have to write a blog post…

Prioritizing Self Care

I’m not going to go too much into depth on this one. I know I’ve written about this a lot in the past. But one thing that has come up in my coaching a bunch lately is the idea of…

When I get overwhelmed

I’m really debating hard how much to share in this post. I don’t want to complain. I don’t want to over share. And those who read regularly know that I try to tow a line of speaking the truth about…

If you system doesn’t work… Change it.

Quick one today. I”ve been sick all week so I haven’t even had the chance to back date my entry for last Friday. You see, Friday is blog day because I don’t have any clients on Friday. I’ve learned over…

Weekly Menu

This is a quick follow up to the meal planning post from a few weeks ago. I think there are a few details that I didn’t mention. The most important, especially for the beginning planner, is to make the menu…

What is mindfulness?

What is mindfulness can be a difficult enough question for anyone to answer. For an ADHDer, it can be even harder. We tend to think of a super zen person, maybe even a Buddhist monk meditating for hours while completely…