Weekly Menu
This is a quick follow up to the meal planning post from a few weeks ago. I think there are a few details that I didn’t mention. The most important, especially for the beginning planner, is to make the menu…
This is a quick follow up to the meal planning post from a few weeks ago. I think there are a few details that I didn’t mention. The most important, especially for the beginning planner, is to make the menu…
So, I don’t intend this to come off as complaining. But the reality is that much of life is harder for us as ADHDers. Owning that hardness is a key to succeeding, which can be counterintuitive. I guess it is…
By the way, I can’t honestly recall if I have blogged about this aspect of mindfulness before or not. I’m sorry if this is redundant, but happy if it is a needed refresher. I never thought that I could meditate.…
What is mindfulness can be a difficult enough question for anyone to answer. For an ADHDer, it can be even harder. We tend to think of a super zen person, maybe even a Buddhist monk meditating for hours while completely…
I was going to write about something else this week, until this article came across my desk. Thanks for sending it via snail mail dad. Food for thought when we know our ADHD kids are prone to addiction of…
My mid-week post… post dated as my post for last week, which got away from me ended up being longer than expected. So I’m going to try to make this one more concise. We’ll see… I may expand on this…
Here’s a quick one mid week (backdated to last week,) and I’ll give you a more substantial post on Friday… hopefully. I have lots of clients who really stress out about meal planning and shopping. I know I’ve posted about…
Here’s the schedule from Friday of vacation week. Having gotten my big work project done for the week, I could focus mostly on home/personal stuff. You will note that I already realized I misordered things while making the list and…
Thursday was much like Tuesday, without the gardening. I woke up with a fire under me to finish the copy for my new website. And I pretty much pushed everything else aside and banged that out… except I play a…
Wednesday I had some clients and some appointments. So I was less aggressive with the schedule and ended up sticking more to it. Still a good day.