Matt Reid

Matt Reid

Workout Tip #4

Don’t push yourself until your workout is torture. It is really important to leave yourself feeling good or you won’t want to go back. For example, if you go to the gym with the goal of doing a 30 minute…

Dynamy Open House

See attached flyer for info about Dynamy’s open house. They are a gap year program that I think sounds pretty good. Not cheap, but so is failing out of college because you’re not ready.

Subscription option!

Hey everyone. I know there are at least a few of you who read the blog regularly. So I had my web guy add a subscription option. I generally try to post every Friday, but if you’d rather get an…

Loneliness strikes suburban dads!

My Dad sent me this article from the Globe a week or two ago. (Yes, he’s old school and actually rips out the article, puts in in an envelope, licks it, uses a stamp, and mails it to me.) I’m…

Workout tips #1

Now that I’ve spent the summer talking about food prep and kitchen organization, I think it might be a nice change to talk about workout strategies. I’ll start with the overview and then do smaller posts on each aspect of…

Planning a big project

Planning a big project is always a challenge, especially for those of us with executive function issues. Most ADHDers are so “planning averse” that they just dive right in. Occasionally this works, but most of the time it results in…

Neuropsychological Evaluations

I recently received an email from a parent about getting a neuropsych. for her daughter. I thought it was important enough to post as a blog entry, not just respond to her directly. So here’s my 2 cents… A comprehensive…