Brain Science Podcast!

I don’t think I’ve posted about this before…

A client hipped me to a podcast a few years ago called “The Brain Science Podcast.” It is pretty intense and is often at a pretty high scientific level. I will admit that not all episodes are up my alley. Some are over my head. Some are boring. But the episodes that are in my “wheelhouse” are exceptional. 

The newest 20 episodes are free. The older ones will cost you a buck. I’m working through some older episodes right now, so I may recommend ones that not free anymore. Sorry I’m behind.

Not all of my Brain Science Podcast recommendations will be strictly about ADHD. But, they may be about topics that I think will effect everyone of us for one reason or another. I encourage you to give them a try. Even if you aren’t into the first one, please try a few. I think you’ll find at least one that has information that could change how you look at your life and your brain. 

I suggest starting with Exercise and the Brain (BSP 33) I think it might change your thinking!

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