Month January 2024

APSARD conference…

it’s an ADHD professional organization. Google it. just got back from 5-day conference. My brain is full of add information. I’m going to spend some time in the next few posts doing some takeaways from the conference. They will probably…

feeling stupid is irrelevant

so many of my clients have a difficult time admitting when they don’t know some thing. This often leads to missing opportunities or not succeeding at some thing. And that seems pretty silly to me, especially when there’s a legitimate…

Daily SCHEDULE 12/9/23

I’ve been promising my clients that I’d post a newer daily SCHEDULE. So here it is. For the record, it went like clockwork until we left basketball. Also, I didn’t anticipate needing some downtime in the middle of the afternoon.…

Rubber ducking

I’ve been meaning to write about this for months. I learned this from one of my clients who’s a programmer. Apparently when you’re stuck with a programming problem you’re supposed to talk it through with a rubber ducky. I’m unclear…