Month February 2017

Most effective ways to manage ADHD

All the research shows that the best thing you can do to effect a positive outcome is medication therapy, provided it is consistent and effective. The second best thing you can do is engage in behavioral intervention. That would be…

Stimulant based insomnia

Too many doctors as unnecessarily afraid of dealing with stimulant based insomnia. It is actually one of the more manageable side effects. Most people on stimulant therapy have their sleep affected only by meds taken late in the day or…

Do you have ADHD all the time?

I know I do. Science tells me that you do to, that is to say, if you have ADHD, you have it all the time. I am consistently amazed at how many medical professionals I am aware of who don’t…

Use it!

As several of my clients are applying to and often getting into their first choice college I’m reminded of a “fun” thing that happened to me. I remember the pressure and the stress of getting the applications done. I succumbed…