Month April 2021

Friday’s Schedule

Here’s the schedule from Friday of vacation week. Having gotten my big work project done for the week, I could focus mostly on home/personal stuff. You will note that I already realized I misordered things while making the list and…

Thursday Schedule

Thursday was much like Tuesday, without the gardening. I woke up with a fire under me to finish the copy for my new website. And I pretty much pushed everything else aside and banged that out… except I play a…

Wednesday Schedule

Wednesday I had some clients and some appointments. So I was less aggressive with the schedule and ended up sticking more to it. Still a good day.

Tuesday Schedule – Off Week

Amended: wrote about the wrong day… Tuesday was was supposed to be the nicest day of the week. So I planned to spend a lot of the day doing the garden stuff that was on my agenda for the week.…

Daily Scheduling, Part !

If you are a regular reader you know that I post schedules from time to time to show how I think of time and tasks and how they interact. I don’t use the schedule that often anymore since most of…

Taking pills during the night

Here’s a bonus mid-week quickie. I often need some Ativan (lorazepam) to sleep. Sometimes I wake up with my brain on overdrive or one of my kids needs me and I can’t get back to sleep and need to take…

Progress is a Process

Progress is not a straight line. If that is your expectation, you will disappoint yourself. And, likely you will eventually stop trying to make progress. Setbacks, backsliding, and “relapses” are part of the progress. Three steps forward and two steps…

Anxiety vs. Shame… with a little ADHD

I may have had an epiphany of my own when working with a client last week. He and I got very specific about how he was feeling and differentiated his anxiety from his shame. And, what I realized is that…