Getting back on the horse … again!

I know I’ve written this before and recently. But it’s a really good way to get back on the horse, that is talking about getting back on the horse. So if you’re new reader, welcome. This will be brand new if you’re a consistent reader, maybe repetition will be helpful. Or, selfishly, I’m writing this for myself. And there might be a little bit of a different flavor.

things have not been great in my world. One of my kids is actually doing a little better. The other is doing significantly worse. A lot of upheaval. A lot of anxiety. A lot of depression. A lot of conflict. And not a lot of additional resources to pursue. Though I will post more on that as we make our way through looking for those resources, in the hopes that we can find them and share with you what we found.

Posting here is my main source of marketing. As it keeps me in the top of Google searches. So it’s important. And when I graduate some people, and my client enrollment dips, I am reminded that it is important. But I don’t ever slack off on posting because things are good. And I don’t ever get back into posting because I’m a few clients short of what I’d like. It’s about being consistent. But, there are times that this just isn’t a priority. So really what I’m saying is that there are times where my business isn’t a priority. And that’s a bummer. There’s so much I’d like to be doing. But that’s not the point of this post.

even though this is my main source of of marketing, it does feel kind of optional sometimes. When my kids are in crisis almost everything feels optional. I mean, I need to make a certain amount of money. But I’m nowhere near maximizing my practice. I feel like I’m rambling. So what’s my point? Important things can still fall below the cutoff of what is important at a given time. I just haven’t been in a place to thrive. I’ve been surviving. And even things that are important have to be run through the “how important are they” metric.

so I have given myself a break. And I haven’t been hard on myself. And that gives me the space to work towards getting this done today. And that feels good. It feels good to be able to come into this fresh without a lot of baggage and to figure out what the low hanging fruit is to get me rolling. Something easy. Something straightforward. Something that I know is helpful. I actually sat down to write about something else. But decided to do this first and then write a post for next week and start to get ahead. I seized this moment of clarity and productivity on a beautiful spring day. And I’m making the most of it because I don’t have any baggage about the time that I missed. I suggest you all do the same if everything’s you’re trying to be consistent about or get back into.