Deep thoughts by Matt Reid

… at least I hope they’re deep…

I’ve been feeling more philosophical lately. Which I think is a good thing. My tendency is to try to manage life by nailing everything down tight. And, that works to an extent. I’ve made a career out of teaching other people to get their “shit together.” And, I’m not saying that my intention is to get away from that. But there are things that are out of our control, can’t be answered right away, require experience to be quantified, or may simply be beyond our understanding or our control. I’m not even sure how to articulate what I’m trying to say here. I just feel like there is an important piece of life experience that I’m trying to teach myself even more than I’m trying to impart to anyone who might be reading this. I guess it’s that knowing what to let go of really does give you more control in a counterintuitive way. Letting go of what I can’t change or can’t control lets me control my mood by not being in a constant and epic battle to fight against an unwindable enemy. I hope this isn’t to weird or esoteric to be helpful to at least one person…

I guess the challenge is to balance the need for structure and control that comes with having ADHD with the anxiety that it can produce to try to be in control of everything all the time…

Standard disclaimer: I don’t edit much if at all. This is a deal I have made with myself. It keeps me from being frozen in the metaphorical carbonite of perfectionism or falling into the “Sarlacc” of avoidance behavior. A new post done is always better than a perfect post undone.

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