Last weeks of school feeling

So, the last few years I’ve worked like a madman to build my business particularly over the school year. And, about this time of year the last three or so years I have hit a wall. The first year I was actually freaking out and thought there might be something wrong with my medication. Not so. It was/is just my yearly cycle apparently. 

So, this year, when I hit a wall about a week ago when I stopped wanting to do anything at all, I was more prepared and less freaked out. Maybe it’s the anti-depressant, maybe it’s the work I’ve done with my coach and on my own, maybe it’s that I’ve achieved a higher level of consciousness? 

The bottom line is that I’m accepting it this year. I’m more relaxed and willing to take the break my body needs. Somehow I always gear up again when I need to and seem to make it through. So why stress about it. I’ve enjoyed today spending more time on the porch and in the garden. And, I look forward to more of that in the coming weeks. All the really important stuff is getting done. Everything else can wait until I’m “feeling it” again. Happy Summer!

Standard disclaimer: I don’t edit much if at all. This is a deal I have made with myself. It keeps me from being frozen in the metaphorical carbonite of perfectionism or falling into the “Sarlacc” of avoidance behavior. A new post done is always better than a perfect post undone.

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