How to “interview” your new psychiatrist.

picking up where I left off last week… I think interviewing someone who is a expert in something in which you are not an expert is in large part about making sure you’re b******* detector is on full blast. I’m going to focus on questions I think you should ask, rather than specific answers you should look for. Though I might throw a few potential answers in as good or bad responses. Mostly, try to get a feel for the tenor of their answers. Think about whether or not the answers have substance. And try to get a feel for whether or not the doctor even feels comfortable having a conversation where you’re asking questions.

of course I can’t find my notes from the last conference I went to, so I can’t tell you the exact numbers. But a staggeringly high number of doctors, when surveyed, stated that they did not have enough education on ADHD in med school. And in almost as high number said they still didn’t feel like they had enough education on ADHD. So I would start by asking any doctor, especially if they they list themselves as an ADHD specialist, what background and education they have with ADHD and where they got it.

as a side note, I do have some sympathy for psychiatrists. They do have to keep up with a tremendous number of different maladies, from autism to schizophrenia. It’s a lot of work. But ADHD is the most common and the most studied psychiatric disorder. And the general consensus on treatment, at least, has not changed in the last 30 years. So it’s not the hardest thing to be up on.

the second thing I would ask is, their philosophy on medication versus behavioral intervention. This is one where I’m going to give you the answer. There have been hundreds of studies showing that the best thing you can do to affect a positive outcome with a legitimate ADHD diagnosis is medication intervention. The second best thing you can do is behavioral intervention. The best outcomes come from a combination of the two. And I will tell you that one of the things that makes me the most sad is when I see a person who wants to “try everything”before trying medication for themselves or their kids. So many times have I seen this lead to people suffering for years longer than they had to. Let’s not forget that ADHD is a neurobiological disorder that has physiological roots in the prefrontal cortex and other areas of the brain. I’m even more frustrated by doctors who take this approach. It tells me that they haven’t read the research and they’re not competent to be in charge of your treatment.

this question might seem weird. But I would ask them how they differentiate ADHD overwhelm and difficulty initiating with anxiety overwhelm and avoidance. No specific answer for this one. But I’d like to know that they’ve thought about that and have a cogent answer.

I think I’ll save questions about medication for next time.