Great source of ADHD science information!

I have always gotten emails (almost daily) from CHADD, ADDutude, NRC, etc. They are great resources for ADHDers and parents. But for me, they often cover topics that I’m already an expert in. However, I was recently added to a list that is designed for clinicians. The ADDitude ADHD research digest. Frankly, I don’t think it should be only for clinicians. I firmly believe that all ADHDers should have access to current science. I would suggest everyone read this newsletter. Of course, bear in mind, most research is not yet actionable. Studies need to be reproduced and verified on many cases. But, more good information is always an asset to us. 

Here’s a link to this months entry:

I personally recommend reading the 1st and 3rd posts if you only have time for 2.

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