What two Docs say about meds

Reasonably good article in my in box this morning from ADDitude. Most of which I’ve covered in previous posts. But, if you wanted to hear it from a doctor, here’s the link and some important take aways (if you don’t feel like reading the whole article.)

Some take aways:
  • You don’t have to wait forever to go up. When closely monitored by an experienced physician, you can begin go up on your dose as quickly as 3 – 7 days.
  • The ONLY way to know what meds will work for you is trial and error. It is highly likely you will need to try more than one.
  • Stimulant dose is not based on age, gender or body mass. It’s really about how your body metabolizes it. I’m 5′ 6 1/2″ and take more Ritalin than anyone I know. It is what it is.
  • How long it lasts is unique to you. (I have many clients who say that Vyvanse, for instance, only lasts them 7-8 hours, not the 12 – 14 that it is touted as lasting.)

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