I’ve written a bunch about how I keep my pills organized. You should be able to find those posts with the search feature. But now I’m organizing pills, miralax, supplements, melatonin, and culturelle for my kids. That requires a new level of systemization.
Most kids pills end up living in the kitchen. We have very little cabinet space and I didn’t love that they weren’t all in one place and mostly were above the toaster oven. Probably not great considering the heat. So I got pill containers for both of them for breakfast, dinner, and bedtime. And I got a corner shelf (totally free on the side of the road from a neighbor.) And, of course I always have alarms set and extra kids pills along with mine in my key fob.
Standard Disclaimer: In an effort to foil my own perfectionist tendencies, I do not edit my posts much… if at all. Please excuse and typos, mistakes, grammatical errors, or awkward phrasing. I focus on getting my content down. In my humble opinion, an imperfect post posted is infinitely better than a perfect post that goes unfinished.