Tag Time management

ADHD and constant mindfulness

I had a really interesting conversation with a client today. This is probably going to be a little stream of consciousness. So bear with me. But you’re probably used to that if you read me regularly. Also, this is thinking…

ADHD life is not fair & balanced

Well, life isn’t a balanced equation for anyone. The effects of that seem to be harder on us based on how we’re wired. Let me explain what I mean. There are some places in life where you get out what…

A Schedule Gone Awry

I haven’t written anything about scheduling in a while. Nor have I posted the schedule. One of the reasons is that, after years of writing out schedules, I have internalized many of those skills and don’t often have to make…

The hierarchy of suck.

this is another one of my personal theories about adhd. And it also relates to anxiety. Let’s start with a story about a hypothetical college freshman. This kid hates doing laundry. Why? Duh! Because laundry is boring, requires planning, requires…

Daily SCHEDULE 12/9/23

I’ve been promising my clients that I’d post a newer daily SCHEDULE. So here it is. For the record, it went like clockwork until we left basketball. Also, I didn’t anticipate needing some downtime in the middle of the afternoon.…

Reminder fatigue

We live in an amazing technological time. The tools that are at our disposal to help manage our lives and our ADHD are unprecedented. But, they don’t always work. Usually there’s a behavioral reason behind it. Or we may be…

How’s my new website?

by the way, for those of you who subscribe, please let me know if we’ve been successful at moving your subscription over to the new website. And feel free to check it out. New look. New logo. New content.

What is your time worth as an ADHD adult?

Decision making can often be a difficult thing for those of us with adhd. And sometimes that means that we keep doing the thing that we’re doing because it’s the thing we’ve always done. Of course, I think that’s a…