Tag Anxiety

Some thoughts on ADHD and anxiety

Anxiety is a crazy thing. I find it fascinating how it interacts with ADHD. In just the right amount, anxiety can compensate for some aspects of ADHD. But it’s a delicate dance trying to maintain just that right amount. Not…

The hierarchy of suck.

this is another one of my personal theories about adhd. And it also relates to anxiety. Let’s start with a story about a hypothetical college freshman. This kid hates doing laundry. Why? Duh! Because laundry is boring, requires planning, requires…

Getting back on the horse … again!

I know I’ve written this before and recently. But it’s a really good way to get back on the horse, that is talking about getting back on the horse. So if you’re new reader, welcome. This will be brand new…

The anxiety Lion.

I’ve been in ADHD coach for about 12 or 13 years. And I had no idea when I started doing this for a living that I would end up talking so much to people about anxiety. Statistics show about 80%…

feeling stupid is irrelevant

so many of my clients have a difficult time admitting when they don’t know some thing. This often leads to missing opportunities or not succeeding at some thing. And that seems pretty silly to me, especially when there’s a legitimate…

Rubber ducking

I’ve been meaning to write about this for months. I learned this from one of my clients who’s a programmer. Apparently when you’re stuck with a programming problem you’re supposed to talk it through with a rubber ducky. I’m unclear…

Overlapping symptoms.

First, I’d like to apologize to my regular readers for being MIA for a bit. The reason will become apparent during this post. Second, I will admit that I have lost track of a lot of the topics that I’ve…