I’ve always felt that as ADHDers we often feel completely at the mercy of inertia. The ADHDer in motion tends to stay in motion. The ADHDer on the couch tends to stay on the couch. If you take this as given, and add in our difficulties with self regulation, initiation, and transitioning… Let’s just say that it’s not always as easy at is looks for us to get off the couch, and go work out. Bearing this in mind, there is some “psychological Kung-Fu” that you can use to get yourself moving. One of the best ways to insure that you won’t go work out is to get in a mindset that a certain amount of time, distance, reps, etc is the only way to have a successful workout. For example, if you frame success as only 40 minutes, or 5 miles, or so many suicide runs, you’ve set a high bar. That effort level might not feel worth it enough in the moment to get you moving. Try encouraging yourself to exercise with no expectations of how long you will go for. (Of course, you should budget enough time for fit in your best case scenario.) Look at it as a victory if you just get into your workout clothes and get on the bike or to the gym. Because, believe it or not, that’s the hardest part. Once you are at the gym, or on the bike you are in motion and it’s not so hard to keep going. If your best case is a 5 mile run, a 4 mile run is great, a three mile run is more than enough, and a two mile run is a great “easy day.” Simply by going you are establishing good habits and a routine. Consistency if far more important in…