“To err is human; to forgive, divine.” Especially one’s self.
I added the last part. And, I’ll get to that. But I always thought that the first part was Shakespeare. Turns out, not so. It was most notably used by Alexander Pope, English poet and essayist in the early 18th century. But it roots may go back as for as Plutarch. (Thanks Gramarist.com.) But leave it to an ADHDer to start his post with a digression. My kids are pharmacologically… complicated. I do the Dr.’s appointments and run point on the meds, partly because being the “primary parent” is my role in the family and partly because that’s kind of my area of expertise. Well, it’s my area adjacent. So I know a lot about pharmacology. Not counting the one of every fourth week when I fill all of my pill containers for the whole month, I fill all my kids weekly containers on Saturdays. Depending on what they are currently on, if I’m packing stuff to drop off at school, that can be up to eight different weekly pill boxes plus four bottles to go to two different schools. Lately, we’ve been weening one of our boys off several meds that haven’t been working and may be making things worse. That’s a slow, multi-week process. And, our other boy is experimenting with some different stuff that we are trying to manage week to week as we judge the short term ramifications. I only give you this background to illustrate that over the last 6 weeks or so, I don’t think the kids have had their pill boxes fill the same two weeks in a row once. I know what I’m doing. I know the plan. All the boxes are in some way color-coded or labeled and when it gets really, really complicated, I take notes from our doctor’s appointments,…